
Don't cry because its over, Smile because it happened. -Dr. seuss

9 Jul 2015

my first blogger post newley template ediiting.

2. <b:section> having maxwidgets='1' : I don't need to explain these simple things, but for totally newbies I'll explain it. There is another XML tag of blogger which is maxwidgets='1' by this, we can simply set the number of maximum widgets in that section just replacing the number 1.

3. <b:section> having showaddelement='no' : This is just another simple tag by which we can disable or enable the Add a Gadget option.

4. <b:widget> having id='Header1' : In the header widget, there is CSS id tag by which we customize the header widget with CSS.

5. <b:widget> having locked='true' : This tag allows you to lock and unlock widgets easily by choosing true or false. When the widget is locked, one can't easily edit that through layout page.

The current settings for this header widget and section are fine so we'll not edit them. Below, I'm going to give you class and ID CSS tags which will help you to customize header widget. Simply, add this below CSS between <b:skin> tag and fill them with your own properties.
#header {  }

#header h1 {  }

#header h1 a {  }

#header .description {  }

Step 4. Creating Pages Menu Widget

I forgot to mention the pages menu widget which is also important for creating menu. That kind of menu only displays the those links which are actually pages made in blogger blog. In default blogger templates, it's mostly used so here I'm going to teach you how can we implement them in our blogs. I'll just give you default XML and HTML coding and will show you way to design that with CSS. If you're well known with HTML and CSS then you can easily make custom menu there anywhere in the template. But for this pages menu, you might face problem. Let's get started.
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8 Jul 2015

bendigo at nomber 70

Class and ID tags are empty where you can add your own custom names to call the CSS for that section. You can use class and ID to call CSS and beauty that gadgets section by adding any width, height, padding, margin etc. Another tag, maxwidgets='' is also in which you write any maximum number like 10 so that section wouldn't contain more than 10 widgets. If you want to show Add a Gadget option in layout then remain the yes in the showaddelement tag otherwise overwrite it with no.

Step 7. Setting up Layout Page

While creating template, also take care of layout page in blogger blog because that page depends on the template of a blog. If you do the things correctly then it won't get messed up but if you're facing problem then
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3 Jul 2015


dhfrrkj  fhvfn6vs rfihwd iasdefn6v scn6v, `X EDHFB5FGN6B5JH HDGKRJHJ DFHJGHJKD EFKHDKFB5JDB5 FUG HJKFGB5JFV `kb5vfr kjefbb5koidfjrg ufjb5rejb5bbn fjrhfjrb5 efgb5gjhd tstin6g fdegturghiojb5kkm.
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